the Opportunity

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur with a passion for making a positive impact in the world?
For a limited time, we have one exclusive franchise team position available in each country where online shopping is common (multiple countries are already taken, refer to the world map to see the current status).
ShopDonation will be the first-ever international platform which provides a significant advantage over competing single-country platforms, even though those platforms are already million-dollar businesses.
franchise details

» As a franchisee team, you will receive an exclusive licence to run the ShopDonation platform in your country. Our proven affiliate marketing system has undergone significant upgrades and refinements to become the first worldwide platform with a local presence in every country where online shopping exists.
» We view each franchisee team’s profitability as a key driver of our success because it incentivizes reaching our common goal of making a worldwide impact. This opportunity allows the franchisee team to generate income independently of location and has the potential to become a full-time passive income stream for both.
» Each team needs one affiliate marketer and one nonprofit networker in their team.

Affiliate marketer
The affiliate marketer lays the foundation of the platform and is active in online marketing and social media marketing.

Nonprofit networker
The networker is there to bring in more nonprofits to the platform and through it scale up the revenue further.

ShopDonation's support
ShopDonation’s international team provides training and a step-by-step guide on how to become succesful, next to managing the technical and design part of the platform so you don’t have to.
Every franchisee will always benefit from continuous support and guidance, helping you navigate any challenges and seize opportunities as they arise.

about shopdonation

ShopDonation is an affiliate marketing platform that links through to all popular webshops (like eBay, Booking.com, Aliexpress, Just Eat, Microsoft, Adidas, Nike etc.). When a user clicks on one of our links and buys something, we receive a commission of which we donate a percentage to a social project that the buyer chooses. The consumer doesn’t pay anything extra – so they basically donate money ‘for free’.
Transparent and concrete
The system is built so that everyone knows exactly what amount is given to which cause.
Free and easy
Shoppers pay nothing extra, the cost of the donation is covered by the brand. It only takes 1-2 extra clicks. It’s also free for causes to register.

While similar concepts only exist in one country, ShopDonation is worldwide – allowing participating causes to receive funds from multiple countries. That also means that causes that signed up from other countries could participate with yours.


» Global affiliate marketing market size: $19.2 billion (2021) expected to be $36,9 billion by 2030 growing 7.7%
annually due to ecommerce growth, emerging markets and increased usage of affiliate marketing.
* This excludes potential advertising income for ShopDonation

Target market
Roughly 2.64 billion
online shoppers

» With social activism growing worldwide and both global and national inequality doesn’t seem to be improving, both the demand and necessity for systematic social change is there, but not many concepts provide a tangible systematic solution. ShopDonation does provide exactly that.
Competitors with a presence in one country
Easyfundraising (UK)

» Average yearly
operating income: £2.33 million.
» Raised 42 million pounds in 18 years.
Goodshop (US)

» Average yearly
operating income: $1 million.
» Raised $18 million in 18 years.

» Average yearly operating income per year: $56 million.
» Present in 30 countries
check the specifics
for your country
our Competitive advantageS

Causes get free
donations from
multiple countries
instead of just one
We include sports clubs, associations, communities, hospitals, schools and individual initiatives as well

Each country has a local platform with local marketing and branding
(similar to the Just Eat model)
100% transparency
and confirmation after
each purchase for both shopper and cause. Shoppers can shop and donate from anywhere in the world.

Business Model

When a consumer purchases anything through your ShopDonation platform, it will generate an average commision of 5% of the purchase made. This commision is then divided in to two parts. 50% of the commision will go their chosen cause, 50% will go to ShopDonation.
An example of the brands we work with are Booking, Aliexpress, eBay, Nike, Microsoft, Adidas, Puma, Dell and many, many others. Onboarding them is fairly easy when you are famililar with affiliate marketing.
Don’t miss this chance to own a piece of a socially responsible, profitable venture.

Ease of use, transparency and
confirmation after purchase. Shop &
donate from anywhere in the world.

Each cause receives their own international ShopDonation-link.

Users click on the link and the intended cause is already selected. User can now click through to webshop and make their purchase.

Go To Market Plans

Networking and advertising to nonprofits, who deliver us
their loyal supporters
Use franchisees with big networks.
Retention causes is currently at 85%
Potential outcomes within 5 years

Poor €500k
operational profit p/a

Average €1m
operational profit p/a

Success €2m
operational profit p/a
Use of funds
€250.000 used for:
• recruitment 20%
• legal costs 10%
• launching app 2%
• marketing/advertising 50%
• networking 20%

Our team

Our international ShopDonation team consists of:
– Senior programmer
– Senior UX designer
– Franchise manager
– Managing director / Founder
» The franchise manager will provide comprehensive training to ensure your success in running the platform. We offer a step-by-step guide to support you from day one.
» Our dedicated UX designer and programmer continuously improve the platform, focusing on streamlining the userflow for further optimization.
» All franchisees meet within Slack, a team management tool where we can benefit from each other’s knowledge and expertise.
growth chain: how each platform fuels the others

» Each local platform strengthens and enhances the growth of other branches because your platform can be used by nonprofits from other countries. This could be international charities with a branch in your country or causes with followers all over the world.
That means that when you start your platform, it can immediately generate revenue without much work from your side.
» As more franchise platforms launch, any unclaimed platform becomes more attractive and valuable because it can have a lot of active users straight from the start that will be brought in by the other platforms.
We are currently live in seven countries, and at this point, early adopters will still receive a more favorable buy-in compared to those who join later.