
Franchise opportunity for the Netherlands

Franchise opportunity for the Netherlands

This page will give you all the details about being part of the franchise team for the Netherlands.


Projected earnings

Our projected earnings are calculated based on realized data from our first, pilot platform, with a 16-hour work week for each franchisee.

  • In two years €26.000 – €52.000 per year
  • In five years €104.000 – €130.000 per year
  • After five years €205.000 – €260.000 per year


Each team needs:

– Affiliate marketer, preferrably with experience in online marketing and social media marketing. 16 hours per week. Position taken

– Networker / Relationship builder, preferrably with an existing network within the nonprofit sector. 16 hours per week. Position vacant.

You will receive a complete package

Costs for the exclusive franchisee team

  • Buy-in: €0
  • Start-up costs: €0
  • Equipment/marketing/advertising costs: €0
  • Franchise fee: €200 a month per platform *With two people in each team, the monthly fee is thus €100 a month per person.

At breakeven

  • Breakeven is reached when a modest €2.400 per year is generated with the platform. Above this breakeven point the monthly set amount will change into a flat percentage: 14% revenue franchise fee.The projected earnings (on top of this page) have been calculated with the franchise fee already deducted.

  • As per our statistics breakeven will be reached when about 120 causes have been registered to your platform to raise free donations. For context: we typically look for a networker with a least 1000 causes in their network.


    How much is given to causes


  • The 14% franchise fee is calculated based on 60% of the commissions given to charitable causes (charity fee)If the amount allocated for charity changes, our overall earnings will also change, causing a shift in the franchise fee percentage.

    In simple terms, if more money goes to charity, our overall income becomes less and the franchise fee goes slightly down. If less goes to charity, our overall income becomes higher and the franchise fee goes slightly up.

Frequently Asked Questions

* Because ShopDonation is international, can I expect causes from other countries to join my platform?

Yes, causes that signed up on ShopDonation platforms in other countries, might also have a reach in your country. For example causes like Make-A-Wish Foundation, Oxfam Novib, Red Cross have already signed up on a few ShopDonation platforms and might generate sales through your platform as well, because they have supporters there too. Each cause will have their own international ShopDonation-link, that can drive sales to your platform straight away.

Causes from other countries aren’t factored into our breakeven estimate and income projections. However, they can contribute to reaching breakeven right from the start! As we expand to more countries, a vacant ShopDonation platform may become more valuable because it can generate income immediately. For this reason, we may charge a higher monthly fee for new franchisees in the future due to this added value.

* Must I approach all webshops and create a partnership with them?

No, signing up webshops through affiliate marketing systems is a fairly simple process, an application is done through the click of a button without any need for personal contact. Adding all webshops can be a technical and administrative process, which is why it’s preferred to have an affiliate marketer handle this part.



Read our PDF below for more detailed information.

  • If you have read the PDF and want to apply for the position, contact us here or at the email address mentioned in the PDF.
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